
Author: Lyn Birkbeck

World in Transition Part 1

World in Transition – Part 1


I now provide you with part one of our series, “World in Transition” which explores and explains the cuspal period – or Cusp of Confusion – between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius through which we are now living.


Over the coming months we will look at this Cusp of Confusion by looking at the essential qualities of each of the two Signs, Pisces & Aquarius, and how the morphing of one into the other plays out.


1. Imagination & Knowledge


We will start off with a basic or root keyword for Pisces: IMAGINATION, while for Aquarius it would be KNOWLEDGE.


So, one might say that our current zeitgeist is confusing because we are strung between these qualities in ways that are incongruous or just seemingly incompatible.


Something that is currently an expression of this transition from Imagination to Knowledge is our obsession with everything being knowable, and that anything which is not is suspect, even if just means giving something a label.


A seemingly superficial example of this is the great and increasing number of quiz shows on tv, radio, online, etc. Knowing stuff will win you money and acclaim, which equates to not knowing stuff will not. So imagination gets seamlessly relegated, its worth invisibly diminished, which makes millions of imaginative people feel worthless.


One’s IQ has become the benchmark of human intelligence. Is it? IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, when really it could be more accurately described as Intellectual Quotient. There is a difference between intelligence and intellect; the former includes the watery Piscean quality of feeling, Emotional Intelligence, whereas the latter is ‘dry’ and does not. Note: Aquarius is the Water Bearer, not a water Sign but an air (mentality) Sign.


This in turn creates a distorted and limited job market.


Impact on Mental Health


There is also the downplaying of imagination (‘it’s just your imagination’) in that it has nothing to prove it, ‘proof’ being an essential of scientific knowledge.


And when imagination is so downgraded it becomes rogue like an ignored or undervalued child.


In turn, this can give rise to problems regarding mental health, which ironically, and evidently, is the province of Aquarius. But again, we think that if we give it a label it’ll be on its way to being sorted.


Imagination when not used amounts to it ‘getting the better of you’ in the sense of one becoming over-sensitive, and subsequently neurotic or even psychotic. The difference between the two being, as one wit put it: a neurotic builds castles in the air – the psychotic moves in.


Also, what is needed here is some good old-fashioned Piscean compassion. As someone once described this situation with regard to modern medicine: “high-tech but low touch.”


This lop-sidedness between mentality (Aquarius) and feeling (Pisces) can be laid at the door of Left Brain / Right Brain imbalance. More significantly, the emergence of the condition ADHD points to the influence of the planetary ruler of Aquarius, Uranus.  Uranus, like the Sign it rules, doesn’t ‘do’ emotions very well (or at all), which is the case with those ‘suffering’ from ADHD or any so-called complaint on the neurodivergent spectrum.


This emotional overwhelm could be seen as Piscean (emotional) energy colliding with Aquarian (mental) energy. Or more precisely, Uranus is wanting out of being emotionally conditioned and so reacts strongly and impatiently to what it sees as having to conform. One could say that there is an evolutionary pulling away from anything that smacks of the old way of behaving and thinking.


As such it could take many years (as the Transition proceeds) before Uranian/Aquarian energy is not classed as abnormal and consequently resisted.  In other words, when it is resisted less it’ll be less ‘hyperactive’ (the H in ADHD), something which has only just begun with the idea of neurodiversity, that these mental states are not disorders, but just different and potentially more advanced brain functions.


Impact on Education


This also points to the need for a greater emphasis on Imagination in the Arts, which would and should counterbalance the over-emphasis on the Sciences which has been the prevalent trend in education in recent decades.


Impact on Politics


Politics is another Aquarian subject and we are certainly more obsessed with it than ever.  But the great irony here is that because we are entering an uncertain future, owing in part to the Cusp of Confusion itself, very few if any politicians appear to know what they’re doing. They can’t really be expected to! After all we are headed into the Unknown. We need visionaries (Pisces) as much, if not more than, politicians (Aquarius).


During the tail-end of the Piscean Age Karl Marx said that “Religion is the opium of the people” (as an escape from reality).  Now, as we transition from Pisces to Aquarius it is more a case of politics being the opium of the people. Marx went on to say “It (religion) is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions.” In this sentence try substituting the word “religion” with “politics”.


This segues nicely to Part 2 of this series which looks at a profoundly important area of human existence: Spirituality (Pisces) & Secularism (Aquarius).



World in Transition Introduction

Today we continue with our series, “World in Transition” which explores and explains the cuspal period or overlap between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius through which we are now living.


I must first say that these astrological ages do not exactly coincide with historical periods or events.


Aquarian knowledge and technology would like there to be clean-cut beginnings and endings, but the fact remains that we do not know such timings. Some astrologers say that the Aquarian Age is way off in the future, while others say that it begun around the time of the French and American revolutions of the 18th Century.


At any rate, I firmly believe we really are in this cuspal zone. For example, in recent years why has everyone being carrying around their own supply of water? (Aquarius is the Water Bearer.)


This cuspal zone can also be seen to demonstrate how this confusion concerning when one age begins and another ends.


Astrology is a system of thought that can enable one to gain insight and order concerning anything or anyone passing through time – bearing in mind that time itself is somewhat of a mystery. In other words, astrology is there to heighten, clarify and deepen our perception and thereby our consciousness.


Where Aquarius prefers scientific exactitude, Pisces is quite happy being mysterious.


Definitions of Dew


This is neatly summed up by these two definitions of what ‘dew’ is.


Aquarius would say dew is ‘Condensation that falls on a solid surface as the ambient air temperature decreases below the saturation point of the water vapour in that air’.


Pisces would say dew is ‘God’s breath upon the Earth’.


Which one (if either) resonates with you most?


And even as I write all of this, my mind feels uncomfortably stretched between being literal or technically correct on the one hand, to being metaphorical or imaginative on the other.


This is a very immediate and emotional impression of the nature of our world in transition.


Baby and Bathwater


And bear in mind that this transition is not simply one age giving way to the other, but that the better qualities of the previous age should be preserved and integrated into the incumbent age, that is, to not throw the baby out with the bathwater.


This series will be looking at a number of different qualities regarding this time we are living through, with a simple keyword pair describing how the two Ages are overlapping, starting with the most basic, “Imagination (Pisces) & Knowledge (Aquarius).

World in Transition Announcement

I am pleased to share a new series with you, “World in Transition” which looks to make astrological sense of some of the changes and situations we are experiencing worldwide. In doing so, as well as being of general interest, I hope it helps to better guide you on a personal level.


Many are aware that we are presently, or possibly, living during the dawn of the Age of Aquarius.

What is less explored is that there is a cuspal period or overlap as we transition from the previous Age of Pisces to this incoming Age of Aquarius.


As each age is approximately 2160 years long the cuspal period is around 400 years, from around 1960 (the revolutionary Sixties!) to around 2360.


It is this cuspal zone, this transitional period that we are caught up in now, when a particular zeitgeist, or ‘spirit of the time’ – according to the nature of the two Signs – interacts with another.


Cusp of Confusion


But as one age phases in and the other phases out, we are often beset with a confusing blend of, or imbalance between, these two Signs.


This series will aim to give clarity to this confusion in ways that you will be able to see it play out on the global stage and in your own life.